Ebersberger Zeitung – press article: "Winning organisations will get a website"
Ebersberger Zeitung – press article: "Winning organisations will get a website"
Award ceremony for the competition „Mach mit. Zeig Dich!“ with 'Ausländerhilfe', 'Weißer Ring' and 'Ferienspaß'
At the award ceremony (front row from left to right): Roswitha Hülser and Birgit Höhn from „Ebersberger Ferienspaß“, Peter Augustin from „Weißer Ring“, Anne Cohrs, Ilke Ackstaller and Friderike Häußler from „Ausländerhilfe“. Members of the selection committee in the background.
Ebersberg – During the summer of last year, in the course of the collaboration of the 'Kreisbildungswerk Ebersberg' and the company Bergx2 GmbH from Ebersberg on the website project for non-profit organisations „www.engagiert-im-landkreis-ebersberg.de“, the idea for a competition was born. In October the two cooperating partners advertised for bids for the competition „Mach mit. Zeig Dich!“. Every organisation in the district had the opportunity to apply for a modern implementation and design of their own website. The intention of the competition was, according to Matevz Senc-Urban from the Bergx2 GmbH, to support non-profit organisations who did not have an online presence thus far or only had an outdated website.
„With this project we wanted to declare our appreciation to non-profit organisations, unions and other charitable organisations for their important work for our society.“ Claudia Pfrang, head of the 'katholische Bildungseinrichtung', emphasised during the presentation of the winners that the selection committee would have loved to give the prize to every applicant, „because every single one of them plays a very important part in the community of the district Ebersberg“. In the end, according to Pfrang, the committee had to pick three organsiations: the 'Ausländerhilfe Ebersberg', the 'Weißer Ring' and the 'Ebersberger Ferienspaß'. Pfrang says: „The decision was made on the basis of recent social developments in the district, and the applications of the three winning organisations corresponded to the criteria the most.“
Ludwig Mittermeier, director of the 'Caritaszentrum Ebersberg', highlighted that the award for the 'Ausländerhilfe' shows how important the work of this organisation in the district is. Mittermeier: „Because the 'Ausländerhilfe' does not yet have its own online presence, we soon realised that this organisation will be amongst the successful candidates.“ The decision for the 'Weißer Ring' was made, according to Mittermeier, „because this organisation has an important assignment in the care for victims of violence“. The reason why the committee chose the 'Ebersberger Familienspaß' is, says the director of the 'Caritaszentrum Ebersberg', „that the traditional family structures in the district have changed and will continue to change. That is why the 'Ebersberger Familienspaß' does an important job in the area of support for community and family“.
As a representative for the 'Ausländerhilfe Ebersberg' Ilke Ackstaller was very happy about the award. Ackstaller: „The wish for our very own internet presence has been with the organisation for quite some time now, but up until now the realisation of the project has always failed due to a lack of time.“ They now have the opportunity, she continues, to present the organisation and the work of the almost 100 volunteers to the public.
Peter Augustin from 'Weißer Ring' Ebersberg also considers public relations as the main goal of the new website. „It would be great if the region would get to now more about our work.“
Birgit Hühn and Roswitha Hülser, both from the 'Ebersberger Ferienspaß', see in the new internet presence the opportunity to recruit more volunteers for their organisation, „to expaMatevz Sernc-Urban from Bergx2 GmbH introduced the next steps of the project and promised the winners: „The websites for the three winners will be ready and newly designed within a time frame of three to six months.“ This means for the three successful organisations, Semic-Urban continues, that „they should start thinking intensively about their new web presence. We will then create a modern new website together.“